Day 1 of “Operation Nutritious Me”:

Dear Diary (or should I say, Dear Future Chiseled Me),

They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Well, my journey to health starts with a egg and an elliptical in the bonus room that looks more like a medieval torture device than exercise equipment.

Breakfast was an adventure. I traded my beloved breakfast casserole with crescent rolls, sausage, cheese and eggs for just an egg. It not as tasty as the casserole, but I have prior nutritional sins to now remedy. I miss my casserole, but my heart probably doesn’t.

Then came the workout. I stepped into the bonus room, a place where my son and a tornado came through with the mess. 

Lunch was a salad that had more colors than my entire wardrobe. And let me tell you, crunching on raw veggies is a lot less satisfying than crunching on a #13 from Jersey Mikes. But hey, my body seemed to like it, even if my taste buds were staging a mutiny.

Snacking is a battlefield. I stared down a pack of reese’s pieces like it was the enemy. I bravely chose an apple instead. It was actually pretty good, once I stopped imagining it was a caramel-covered sundae.

Dinner was… interesting. Tacos. Hey I can’t ditch everything all at once… I’ll burn out!

So, here I am, about to go to bed, dreaming of donuts and pizza. But I’ve survived Day 1. They say it gets easier. I sure hope ‘they’ are right.

Until tomorrow,

A Man on a Mission (with a sore elliptical leg and a fridge full of lettuce)

Remember, the key to making lifestyle changes is to find the humor in the struggles and to be kind to yourself during the process. Keep it light, stay persistent, and who knows, you might just start liking that chia seed pudding!